A History of Literary Criticism: From Plato to the Present
A History of Literary Criticism: From Plato to the Present - M. A. R. Habib
Wiley-Blackwell | ISBN 978-0-631-23200-1 | 2005 | 848 pages | 7,7 MB | PDF
This book is a guide to the history of literary criticism from antiquity to the present day. It not only provides an overview of the major movements, figures, and texts of literary criticism, but also supplies the cultural, historical, and philosophical background which enables students to see them in context.
The organization of the book is broadly chronological. Starting with a comprehensive section on classical literary criticism, it shows how the central philosophical principles of Plato and Aristotle not only underlie their specific comments on literature, but also lay out the foundations and categories of much subsequent Western thought. Similarly, for each subsequent period, the book combines background information, whether on the philosophy of Locke, the history of the French Revolution, the political theories of Marx and Engels, or Freud’s views on civilization, with coverage of the major figures and texts of literary-critical thought.
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